










  關鍵字: 海德格  人文主義  人本主義  人道主義  人類中心主義   沙特  此有 








    Since the western tradition, the topic of “Humanism” is a sustained argumentation all the time. In the argument, these debate surrounding the human, for example, “the problem of human being” and “how to do the best for human” etc., is the common domain of “humanism”. But so far the developing of humanism, the problem of human being seems to postulate world view and the idea of value to explain it. By the explanations, human dominate the world, become the center of all things on earth. From Heidegger’s point of view, these are the ways of define human which has left “Being”. Namely, that is the oblivion of “Being”. In view of this, his main research shall lead us return to the bosom of “Being” from the situation of the oblivion of “Being”.


        The purpose of this paper have two approaches: the one will consider the tradition of humanism and history; the other will contrast with Heidegger. It attempts to demonstrate that although Heidegger criticizes traditional humanism, he does not abandon completely it, but he treats humanism in more primordial standpoint.


        First, the word of “humanism” in the sense of Chinese translation occur different interpretation, for example, “Humanism”, “Humanitarianism” and “Anthropocentrism”. In this paper, I try to give different meaning for the translations to clarify the meaning of humanism. Secondly, I examine the development and historical contexture of humanism from ancient Greek and Roman. Thirdly, I try to show the development of humanism from Renaissance and Enlightenment. Fourthly, I interpret the humanism of Sartre.


        Finally, so far as Heidegger is concerned, he regards traditional humanism as metaphysical humanism. Heidegger thinks, therefore, these humanisms notice merely “beings”(Seienden) but “Being”(Sein). He thinks that human is “Dasein” of “Being presenting itself in here”. Consequently, “Dasein” can not be understood under the idea of “Humanism”. In addition to this, I discuss how Heidegger treats the meaning of the movement (the essence of action) as the essence of human. He hopes that the modern people who live in homeless shepherd “Sein” as the significance of the human original creative power.




Key words :  Martin Heidegger, Humanism, Humanitarianism, Anthropocentrism, Jean-Paul Sartre, Dasein, Being (Sein)