關鍵字:漢娜•鄂蘭、Amartya Sen、政治自由、經濟自由、Natality、權力、權威
This thesis is concerned with the meaning of economic freedom and political freedom, and about which one is more fundamental. When I was trying to answer to the question, I realized that it is very helpful to view their competing relationship under the perspectives of economic globalization and Arendt’s conception of political freedom and human right. In fact, what had been confronted is a complex interaction between economic freedom and political freedom. Arendt criticized the former through her account on political freedom. But Arendt’s conception of freedom tends to introduce unnecessary limitation on the application of the concept. If our understanding of freedom is what human beings pursue, we have to focus on the political implication of freedom itself and notice that without the political freedom, it is not possible to create an open space for economic freedom.
Keywords:Hannah Arendt, Amartya Sen, political freedom, economic freedom, Natality, power, authority