本文旨在對《墨子》的兼愛思想進行研究,共分五章。在第一章緒論中,本文先對研究動機、目的、範圍與研究方法進行說明,而本文的研究方法為基源問題研究法與對比法。依次將釐清兼愛思想形成之學術淵源和時代背景,並分析「兼愛」之概念內涵。第三章是本文核心,首先闡釋兼愛思想的價值根源─「天」, 並將兼愛相關之概念進行連結以構築兼愛理論。章末整理《墨子》中所見對於兼愛思想的非難,同時指出《墨子》在答辯時所採用的方法。在第四章,本文將說明〈尚賢〉、〈尚同〉、〈非攻〉、〈明鬼〉、〈節用〉、〈節葬〉、〈非樂〉、〈非命〉之內容,並視其為兼愛思想的應用與實踐。最後則嘗試指出兼愛理論於先秦和當代社會之價值。
This article attempts to analyze the crucial concept of Universal Love in Mozi and this paper would be divided into five chapters. In the chapter one and two, the motivation, purpose, scope, and methodology will be elaborated. The main methodology is fundamental-question and contrasting. This article is trying to clarify the academic origins and history of the idea of “Universal Love”, as well as analyze the concept in the context of Mozi. Chapter three is the hard core. The first step is to interpret the root of value of Universal Love, i.e. the “Will of Heaven”; then this article tries to connect this interpretation with the related theses to reconstruct the Theory of “Universal Love”. This chapter concludes with some objections to the theory mentioned in Mozi and the ways how Mozi can reply to these objections. The chapter four describes: “Exaltation of the Virtuous”; “Identification with the Superior”; “Condemnation of Offensive War”; “On Ghosts”;“Economy of Expenditures”; “Simplicity in Funerals”; “Condemnation of Music” and “Antifatalism. Seeing these ideas as the application of Universal Love, these ideas help this article to conclude this chapter with an attempt of stating the value of Universal Love to Pre-Qin Dynasty and contemporary society.
Keywords:Mozi, Universal Love, universal love and mutual aid, Ren(Benevolence) ,Yi(Righteousness), Quan(Weighing), Qiu(Seeking).