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Dewey pointed out that accommodation, adaptation and adjustment, are clearly three distinct concepts. Each individual engage in his/her own adjustable process. An active meaning of life goes beyond mere “adjustment” by constantly harmonizing and changing. The necessary conditions for “adjustment” involve “life,” “environment,” “interaction,” “progressiveness,” “vitality,” and “coexistence”, to enable the continuity of adjusting process.


About the dynamic relationship between “language” and “adjustment”, we consider “language learning” an acquired experience. As Dewey said, speech, the accurate adaptation of sounds heard transfers to movements of tongue and lips, is an important instrument of social adaptation. With language, we can share and communicate with one another. From educational aspect, we also apply concept of adjustment in process. In Democracy and Education, Dewey criticized the static adjustment. It is a false idea of growth or development. His criticism fitted in with his concept of education in broad sense. He wrote: education is life, and education is a constant reorganizing or reconstructing of experience. I argued that Dewey’s stand in education is a dynamic adjustment.


   Key WordsJohn Dewey, adjustment, adaptation, accommodation, language, adaptive adjustment, positive adjustment, maladjustment