M. Korsgaard之創造目的王國
責任的歸屬若有意義,必然涉及法則的普遍規範。那麼,道德法則如何有效地規範人與人之間的關係?Christine M. Korsgaard提出身份認同作為實踐道德法則規範性的必要條件,證成道德法則有效規範個人互惠關係中的責任。不同於傳統康德派學者的研究路徑,Korsgaard提出友誼的互惠關係,作為道德規範的基礎。本文主要釐清Korsgaard與傳統康德學派研究路徑之差異,以呈現康德道德哲學理論應用上之可能性。
關鍵詞:亞理斯多德、康德、Christine M. Korsgaard、G. A. Cohen、個人關係、實踐身份認同、友誼、互惠、責任、目的王國
If we attribute responsibilities to someone, there must be moral laws which set the norms of our actions. This raises a question: how can personal relations be conducted by the same laws? Christine M. Korsgaard suggests that personal identity is a necessary condition for practicing moral laws. Unlike traditional interpretations of Kant’s moral philosophy, Korsgaard’s posits friendship—understood as an equal and reciprocal relationship—as the basic human relationship and the resource for the attribution of personal responsibility. This dissertation clarifies the distinctions between traditional approaches to Kant’s formal ethics and Korsgaard’s new approach, and thereby presents another face of Kant’s practical philosophy.
Keywords: Aritotle, Kant, Christine M. Korsgaard, G. A. Cohen, personal relations, practical identity, friendship, reciprocity, responsibility, the Kingdom of Ends