Economic Modernisation in Hungary:
Between Path Dependency and Path Creation
Csaba Mako' & Miklos Illessyƒxƒx
The present analysis focuses on the
restructuring process of the Hungarian economy which has been taking place from
the early 1990s and on the possibility to integrate it into the new international
division of labour. The Introduction outlines various interpretations of the
transformation process in the Central and East European (CEE) region. Instead
of the rather simplistic view of transition, the authors adopt the more balanced
transformation approach in the interpretation of the past 15 years¡¦ changes.
The second section analyses the role of Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) in
the modernisation of the Hungarian economy. By doing so, two different cycles
of the transformation process are distinguished. According to the authors, nowadays
we are witnessing a shift to a creative cycle of the transformation in which
new paths of development have to be created in order to maintain the relatively
good economic position of Hungary among the other CEE countries. To illustrate
the possibilities and chances of the creation of such a new development path,
the authors take the examples of work delocalisation through eWork and organisational
innovations together with the related issue of production paradigms on the basis
of international empirical research results. The authors interpret eWork not
only as a new tool of working enabled by ICT, but as a tool to integrate Hungarian
firms into the global value chains. By stressing the importance of organisational
innovations, the authors argue that more efforts should be made to better understand
and overcome the social¡Vcultural and economic barriers (e.g. industrial age
management culture in the labour process) of the flexible use of manpower and
knowledge. A horizontal underlying assumption of the authors is that economic
modernisation in Hungary can not be successful in the long run without the integration
of the small and medium-sized enterprises(SMEs).
international division of labour, foreign direct investments, modernisation,
new development path, work delocalisation
Csaba Mako* & Miklos Illessy**ƒxƒx
ƒx *Csaba Mako, Research Director at the Research Group of Sociology
of Organisation and Work, Institute of Sociology, Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
ƒx **Miklos Illessy, Research Associate at the Research Group of Sociology of
Organisation and Work, Institute of Sociology, Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
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